SDG7 – Energizing our Planet with Clean Energy

Earth is surely the most beautiful and complex planet of the Solar system; Beautiful for its landscape, and complex for its composition.  The various elements, of which Earth is composed, […]

SDG 6 – because water is everybody’s business

COVID -19 Pandemic has drawn people’s attention towards the importance of health and hygiene; People have been advised to drink plenty of water and keep washing hands, in order to […]

Forest restoration- enriching forests and communities

Forest restoration- enriching forests and communities Forests play the most significant role in maintaining the ecological balance of our planet. They support and regulate all the factors affecting life on […]

Importance of Materiality Assessment for sustainability

The concept of sustainability has gained tremendous popularity over the past few decades and continues to take over organizational strategy in various sectors.  Many companies have successfully incorporated the environmental, […]

How are SDGs influencing ESG investments?

 ESG investing for sustainability Our planet is in deep trouble and the challenges before it are a result of irresponsible human behavior over centuries. Humans have exploited their natural surroundings […]

COVID 19 – Are the SDGs ready to handle the pandemic challenge?

Sustainable development is the “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” and to make this happen, UN […]

How can Fandoro Help Enterprises?

What is Fandoro?Fandoro is a platform that brings sustainability mindset to the enterprises and its employees. Employees can build their personal Impact Portfolio. Enterprises get reviewed, audited and certified for […]