Sustainable mining – towards a better future

The term “sustainable mining” sounds more like an oxymoron as both these processes have opposing effects; sustainability leads to availability of resources for future generations, while mining leads to depletion […]

COVID 19 – Are the SDGs ready to handle the pandemic challenge?

Sustainable development is the “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” and to make this happen, UN […]

Are Natural Calamities gender biased?

No, disasters see no discrimination, but believe it or not, they hit women harder than men. Disasters and their aftermaths, both are tougher for women, especially in Asian countries. Most […]

How can Fandoro Help Enterprises?

What is Fandoro?Fandoro is a platform that brings sustainability mindset to the enterprises and its employees. Employees can build their personal Impact Portfolio. Enterprises get reviewed, audited and certified for […]

What is the connection between meat and climate change??

Many people on our planet simply don’t understand the connection between meat and the climate change. Here is an attempt to decode it : Major cause of climate change is […]