What is Fandoro?
Fandoro is a platform that brings sustainability mindset to the enterprises and its employees. Employees can build their personal Impact Portfolio. Enterprises get reviewed, audited and certified for level of adoption of sustainable practices.

Fandoro provides an Impact driven Integrated Technology Platform that helps  enterprises to identify the right solutions/social initiatives/ NGOs for their employees to engage with,  monitor the giving, asses the social impact created –thus overall improving the  ISR-Impact Index® of the organization.

In this part of the blog, we will talk about what all Fandoro can do for enterprises. If you are an enterprise and would like for your employees to get aware about Sustainable Development Goals and for your business to adopt sustainable practices, we can help you. Here are our key services :

  1. Training & CertificationS12Y certification / SAFE Program for Ambassadors/ Training modules for employees
    Fandoro team provides training and inputs to employees on adopting sustainability – building them into campus ambassadors for their enterprises.
  2. Enterprise gets to go for the sustainability certification.
  3. Enterprises and employees will be supported end to end ,  to adopt sustainable practices at work and life in general.
  4. We support enterprises in hosting their events on sustainability.
  5. We get employees to build their own Impact Portfolio – which helps them channelize their efforts in a consistent and measurable way towards the SDGs.

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