On 8th July 2019, Fandoro sent its final set of help to Odisha for the Fani survivors. Suman Kumar, who also leads operations for Fandoro, was part of the visiting team. This is a heartfelt experience report shared by him when he returned. It has been copy pasted here in his own words alongwith the pics of his choice.

Setting up the distribution center
Me (Suman (R)) And Abhishek (L)

During my trip to the Odisha, I visited  some villages for the distribution of the clothes and items of daily use. We all knew that Fani had left a devastating effect on the people of Odisha. But on our visit, we also got to see the same with our own eyes. Too many trees were uprooted or very adversely affected by the storm. Trees (especially coconut trees) are of special economic consequence to coastal region. Terrace of houses and shops had been flown away by Fani. Though, some of them seemed to be recovering from it, but with most houses getting collapsed during Fani, people were still looking for some places where they can stay safe. After 2 months of the ill fated event, we could still see fear reflecting on the faces of young children. 

Even after 2 months of Fani, Odisha has not half recovered back to original state.

The first village we visited for distribution, was GadaBangara. Approximately 10 families are living in this village. They live there without electricity, no access to technology and no communication systems. There is no way they can get to know about the weather forecast so that they can save themselves from upcoming storms. All the families were so lovely. They talked to us very politely and were very curious to know about us, specially regarding – how we reached there from so far, how we knew about them, and how (probably why) we collected donations for them.

All the children were so happy after getting the clothes. We spent approximately an hour there and left for other villages. We visited around 4-5 more villages for further distribution of the clothes.

During our last village visit we met a boy around 6-8 yrs old boy –  named Shiva. He had worn only a pant. He came with his grandfather to collect some donations. We gave him some clothes and also helped him, in wearing those. Throughout this he didn’t utter a single word. But after he wore the new set of clothes, he was smiling. 

Shiva and me (Suman).

His one smile had a huge impact on us and forced us to think about our work more seriously. That day I felt so proud of myself and of my job. I realised, what I am doing is the best work in this world. 

As we were leaving – I wished I could spend some more time there.

In total, we distributed kits of daily use items (from food to mosquito nets to slippers to medicines / first aid box – all we could think of) for over 30 families – which would roughly mean touching about 200 – 250 lives and distributed about 400-500 set of clothes amongst further  more villagers. 

I would love to visit there again. Those were the most fulfilling moments of my life. And it became even more memorable and special because the day before, happened to be my birthday. 

I shall cherish the memories forever. Thank you Fandoro for giving me these memories and moments.
If you want to join us in our efforts – do register at https://fandoro.com!!
Take Care – Always!!
Signing off

One thought on “Odisha visit of Fandoro team – ER 1

  1. Thank you so much for your cooperation & social welfare. We are the members of ODISHA MSDIANS ASSOCIATION will try our best to support you as our capability.

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